Rako projects
Examining Somali diaspora and international investment:
Examining Somali diaspora and international investment: A study on the investment climate, opportunities and challenges in the Somali region The Somali diaspora, who are spread across the globe, have been playing a crucial role in supporting the Somali region through remittances and small investments. However, in recent times, a growing trend has been observed among the diaspora members to return to their country of origin and invest in it, to support the growth of the Somali private sector and expand the exports of goods and services to foreign markets. Also, a significant trend identified by the international donor community is to encourage private-sector investments and job creation while promoting sustainable and inclusive economic growth in the Somali region.
To facilitate this growth, both the international donors and the Somali diaspora are seeking insights into the Somali investment climate, investor interests, and potential mechanisms for encouraging diaspora and international investment. Despite these efforts, little is currently known about these aspects. As part of the larger Diaspora Humanitarianism Project, researchers are striving to address this knowledge gap and contribute to a better understanding of the Somali investment climate.
The need for a better understanding of the Somali investment climate has emerged as a result of the growing interest among diaspora members and international donors to invest in the Somali region. This interest is driven by the desire to support economic growth and development in the region, which has historically been plagued by political instability, conflict, and poverty. The researchers involved in the Diaspora Humanitarianism Project (D-Hum) aim to provide critical insights into the investment climate, investor interests, and potential mechanisms for encouraging diaspora and international investment in the Somali region. By doing so, they hope to contribute to the creation of sustainable and inclusive economic growth in the region, which will ultimately benefit the Somali people and the wider global community.
Kindly help us gather this information. This is solely used for research proposes and to understand the investment climate across the Somali region to improve it. Your assistance is highly appreciated.
Project status: active
start date: 10/DEC/2023

Mohamed Aden Hassan